Why Am I Not Able to Order on Account?

Do you have a credit app on file with us but not seeing the option to order on account? Find out how to solve here.

Customers with an approved credit application on file with Caplugs are able to place orders on account instead of using a credit card during checkout. However, if your account has not been properly associated with your account, you may not see this option.

Check If Your Account Is Linked

If you have terms, but aren't seeing the option at checkout, most often the problem is that your account isn't properly linked. You can check this on your own in CapXpress. Click the Account Info tab, and check the right-hand side above your last name. If you see a green checkmark and "Linked to Caplugs," your account is properly linked. If you don't, you'll need to have your account linked to solve the problem.

Linking Your Account

Our customer service team can help you link your account or investigate if your account is linked, but Order on Account isn't appearing to determine if your credit app isn't properly noted with your account. Contact us by using our convenient web chat, give us a call at 888.CAPLUGS or email the team at sales@caplugs.com.