Find Your Past Orders

On CapXpress, you can find order history, including sample orders, to make it easy to reorder your most-used parts.

When you use CapXpress, it's easy to find your order history to reorder your most-used parts or to easily order product based on the samples that you've previously requested. 

Finding Order History

Once you've logged in to CapXpress, simply click the "My Orders" tab and select "Order History" to see all orders that you've previously placed. To see details of what was purchased and shipment history, click the Order Number or Reference Number. You can also easily repurchase the same color and package size by clicking "Buy It Again" and adding the desired quantity to your cart. 

Orders will typically move from your Open Orders list to Order History within 30 days after the last package has shipped, so if you are looking for a recent order, it may still be in your "Open Orders" tab.

Sample Order History

Under the next tab, "Sample Orders," you'll find all requests for samples that you've placed. As with Order History, you can click into the order to view items that were requested. On the detail page, you can also use Buy It Again to select the smallest available package size and color combination to add to your cart based on the sample you requested originally. 

Not Seeing Any History?

Are you an existing customer and not finding your history when logged in? You may need to link your account with our systems. During business hours, chat with our web support team using the on-site chat tool or call us at 888.CAPLUGS for help linking your account. After hours, send us an email at and we'll get back to you on the next business day.